Summary The first-ever court challenge to a designation under the UK’s Russia sanctions regime was brought in early 2023 by the dual UK-US citizen Eugene Shvidler. After losing in both...
Summary In early 2024, the Russian-born British citizen Anzhelika Khan took the government to court for targeting her with sanctions on the basis of her association with her husband, the...
Summary The headline-grabbing seizure of a superyacht docked near Canary Wharf in March 2022 became the subject of the first court case about the UK’s sweeping powers under the Russia...
Summary In July 2024, the National Crime Agency (NCA) secured the first-ever permanent seizure of sanctioned assets under the UK’s anti-money laundering legislation. This forfeiture of £780,000 followed a long-running...
Summary On 1 December 2022, a 50-strong team from the National Crime Agency (NCA) arrived at a multi-million pound mansion in North London to execute a search warrant related to...
Summary When the UK rolled out unprecedented sanctions in response to Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, one prominent Russian oligarch decided to stay in London at a...